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Surgical Guide to Circumcision

editors Bolnick, Koyle and Yosha — Springer publisher

Surgical Guide to Circumcision is a compendium of the who, what, where, why, and most importantly, the how of circumcision. Given that one third of the world’s males have undergone this most ancient of surgical procedures, a contemporary resource on the subject is in order. Most circumcisions are elective with no acute medical necessity; that is, most are done for cultural reasons. Thus, in addition to being a standard surgical guide for those who perform circumcision, this textbook is an anthology of circumcision, from its prehistoric roots to its present day admixture of religion, culture, and medicine. Surgical Guide to Circumcision is a fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to the most common techniques of circumcision and addresses aspects such as informed consent, religious and cultural sensitivities, pre-exam, post-care, pain control, and prevention and management of potential complications. Written by experts in the field, Surgical Guide to Circumcision will appeal to family physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians, midwives, nurses, urologists, and anyone with a general interest in circumcision. See Table of Contents    See Sample Images
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In August 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated their policy statement on circumcision. They concluded, without calling for routine circumcision, that the benefits conferred by newborn circumcision outweigh the risks. Below are links to the AAP policy statement and task force report.
New AAP Policy...   New AAP Task Force Report...

©2012, Bolnick, Koyle, Yosha - All rights reserved (Book cover art property of Springer)